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Cathryn - Your dedication to the Chamber and City of Osage City is displayed in this website design. It is a new beg...
NE Kansas
Welcome to Osage City
Learn more about Osage City by following the links below:


An old newspaper account of Osage City reads:  "Osage City seems to enjoy doing the unusual. Among other things it has/had probably the only socialist coal mine in the state, if not the nation; has a Main Street that is not the  main street; has recorded a vote that totaled more than the entire population of men, women, and children."

Today we welcome friends, explorers, and visitors to...
...walk down 6th Street, once commonly known  as Silk Stocking Lane.  Beautiful stately homes, street is lighted by the 3-globed lamp posts of days gone past and lined with maple, oak, gingko, bald cypress trees. 
...play a round of golf at the Osage City  9-hole golf course ...original part of the clubhouse is a 1941 WPA project.
...browse through the Santa Fe Depot Museum, where memories are exchanged, memorabilia are housed. 
...smile as you watch children at play in the parks -- Santa Fe Park, Lincoln Park, Huffman Park. 
...remember.... stop ..... pay respects to the servicemen and women honored at the memorials, one old, one new, one in the cemetery, one in town. 
...taste the varied cuisines offered in Osage City.  Be pleasantly surprised with the choice of eateries.  
... hear the steady hum of the plane carrying the parachutist upward into the blue skies above Osage City. Watch as the jumpers float and drift  towards the ground.
...talk to the townspeple who love their community and those who have molded and guided Osage City into what it is today!   Ask why Osage City is not the county seat....shameful.
...experience the joys of small community living.  Hear and see  pride  in the voices and eyes of townspeople.
...feel... hear....see....taste..... touch...breathe.... listen....discover Osage City!

contact info
Cathryn Houghton

Osage City, KS 66523
Phone: 785.249.2153

Osage City, KS 66523
Phone: 785.528.4711
Kansas Sampler Foundation   Kansas Department of Commerce - Travel Kansas   Get Rural Kansas