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The B&B Country Cafe has the best hashbrown potatoes I've ever eaten!
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Historical signs telling about Iola's Great Past!

Date(s): 01/01/2014 - 12/31/2019
Venue: Downtown Iola Square
Address: Madison, Jeffsosn,Jackson & Washington Avenues
Iola, KS 66749
Telephone Number: 620.365.5252 or 620.228.0439
Email Address:


Event Description:
In 2013, Iola's CITF/PRIDE received a grant to hang historic signs around the square.  After months of research, the signs were completed, and now, they hang on the decorative lamp posts for people to read as they walk around the square.
No only are the signs interesting to read, they bring an historic significance to the square.  Besides hanging the historic signs, CITF/PRIDE also hung historic plaques on all of the buildings that surround the square, except for those that were built after 1940.  This makes a fun walk around the square, and if you walk around it 2 times, you've just walked a mile to make your heart healthier as well as seeing our beautiful stores and learning a lot of history..
If you're smart, you'll not only walk around the square to read the signs, to see the old historic buildings and what purpose they served over 100 years ago, but to also stop and shop inside as Iola's quaint downtown shops!  The shopping opportunities are worth your time!
The most significant changes that you'll see from those signs to now is that there were many grocery and hardware stores downtown. 
Come visit Iola and walk around our beautiful square. It is the largest Courthouse Square in the Nation!  Maybe you will also notice that our CITF/PRIDE group has helped to replaced a lot of the 2nd story windows in order to beautify the town.
Free: Most enjoyable during daytime business hours
contact info
Donna Houser
205 E. Madison Ave
Iola, KS 66749
Phone: 620.228.0439
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